Creative Project Manager + Producer
Art + Design Enthusiast

Creative Project Manager/Producer/Generalist/Visualist/Art + Design Enthusiast/Stylist
I/ENFJ (for what it’s worth), art + design lover, thrift store and flea market scavenger. Vintage collector. Equally left and right-brained, a little strategic and a lot tactical.

Organizer of designers, makers, developers, brand, and marketing teams. Manager of creative operations. Inefficiency spotter. Lifelong learner and self teacher.

Overseer of digital experiences, branding, social media, email marketing, product design and development, packaging design, and product photography/videography but also hands-on experience with creative direction, content curation and creation, styling, photography, web design, copywriting… more on that here.

Genealogy nerd.

California born and raised in the Appalachian mountains of Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh dweller and honorary “Yinzer.”